Ultracap Plus Amalgam

Ultracaps+ is an admix of spherical and irregular particles producing a non-gamma 2 amalgam, with a low mercury content. Ultracaps+ has a generous working time and smooth carving.

Ultracaps+ alloy produces an amalgam with high early compressive strength and low static creep, at an extremely affordable price.

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Ultracaps Plus Amalgam - 1 Spill Regular Set (50 Capsules)

Economical but tough

Ultracaps+ is an admix of spherical and irregular particles producing a non-gamma 2 amalgam, with a low mercury content. Ultracaps+ has a generous working time and smooth carving. Ultracaps+ alloy produces an amalgam with high early compressive strength and low static creep, at an extremely affordable price.


Optimal handling characteristics

Ultracaps +’s consistent mix, ease of loading, placement in preparations, condensability, burnishability, quality of interproximal contact, carvability and setting characteristics, ensure the final restorations meet the needs of the operator and patient.


High compressive strength

Ultracaps + offers a high compressive strength which minimizes the risk of fracturing the restoration. High compressive strength ensures a tough, durable and long lasting restoration.


Setting times

The working and setting times allow large restorations to be condensed and carved without difficulty.


Capsule System

The SDI capsule system is designed to give consistent and accurate mixes every mix.

The plungers denote the spill size:

the rest of the capsule denotes the setting speed:

ex. VAT
RRP £45.00
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