A Non-Gamma Two admix alloy. An admix of spherical (atomised) and lathe-cut particles.
Contains: 40% Silver, 31.3% Tin, 28.7% Copper and Mercury in predosed capsules
Fast setting Chromatic alginate with colour changing from Violet through to Lilac then Green indicating the individual phases to guarantee the mixing and insertion times.The short setting time (60 seconds) minimises any patient discomfort whilst the high elasticity and resistance to tear provide a high-definition impression.
Dust free, fast-set impression material. Time in mouth - 60 seconds, total set time 3 minutes 35 seconds.
Pro-Matrix: Blue - Wide (50)
Disposable Matrix System
This quick and simple to use matrix system is also fully disposable to comply with cross infection protocols and save time and effort of assembling and sterilising.
Choose Pro-Matrix for your one-stop solution for clinically superior amalgam or composite restorations for use in all quadrants for every class. This quick and simple to use matrix system is also fully disposable to comply with cross infection protocols and save time and effort of assembling and sterilising.
Box of 50 blue Pro-Matrix - Size wide
Non-Gamma Two spherical alloy.
Contains: 56% Silver, 29% Tin, 15% Copper and Mercury in predosed capsules